Monday, June 14, 2010

A new version of The Little Mermaid manhwa style

This book is a fun read. It’s about a young merman who falls in love with Princess Evyione . He is so taken with her that he gives up his voice in order to become human. However, the Sea witch tells him he must make the princess fall in love with him or else there is a price to pay. Added to the mix is a young man who is trying to help Princess Evyione. But is he honorable? I see a love triangle in the future.

I really enjoyed this book. The art was nice and it looks like it takes place during the 18th century. The love story is interesting as well. However, I can't find volume two. It was going to come out on September 16, 2009, but that date has come and gone. If anyone knows how to find volume 2 please let me know.

I'm hooked on this title and I want to read more!

Teen girls will really like this book because of the romance, handsome men and pretty clothes.

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