Now, this series has become very popular. I do believe that A Great and Terrible Beauty made it to the New York Times best-selling list.
Sweet. Hence, one would think the book would be easy to find.
I went to my local Barnes & Nobel store (the one on Rt. 31). B&N has bestsellers and all the popular authors, so they must have Ms. Bray’s latest book.
In fact, when I asked the lady behind the counter where I could find the book she told me, “We don’t have any in stock but we can order it.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This is one of the most popular teen series and one of the largest store chains doesn’t have it in stock? Unacceptable.
So I went to Walden book store, thinking that well maybe they would have it. Again they didn’t have it either. Well, I take it back. They had it, somewhere in the back, but couldn’t find the book. The young lady helping me was very kind in trying to locate the book, but with a store growing with costumers who needed assistance she had to abandon me. I could accept that but I couldn't accept that somewhere in the back was a missing box of books. If it had been a box of Harry Potter books do you think they would have lost them?
I went to Target. It was a last ditch attempt to try and find the novel. I went to the small YA section and was greeted by empty shelves. I had struck out again.
I'm sorry but I'm more than annoyed. This is a hot YA series. If James Patterson or Jodi Picoult had released a book the day after Christmas do you think it would be proudly displayed and well stocked in Barnes & Nobel? You better believe it would. But, since this is a YA book it deserves to be overlooked?
So the quest contiunes. I could always order it from Amazon, but by the time I do that my Christmas break will be over and I won't have time to read it. Plus, that's not the point of this little rant. The point is that if this had been an adult book by a popular author I do believe things would have been handled differently. But I guess if it's a young adult book it just doesn't matter, that is, unless you are J.K. Rowling.
For those who wish to find more information on the series Random House has a great website:
Gemma Doyle Series
I am waiting for this book too! I haven't even seen it on any of the Australian bookstore websites let alone on the shelves!
I am very much looking forward to reading this title. Libba's previous two novels have been remarkable, and I am anxious to see how she wraps up her multi-layered story.
Meanwhile: I am a bookseller (and I used to "work" at the library) and I too am distraught when people feel YA is not as important as adult fiction. In fact, I just wrote a piece about that very subject at my blog called I Think YA is Great! :) Corny title, certainly, but true.
It bugs me that young adult books are not taking seriously by bookstores.
On a happier note I am pleased to say that I finally bought the book on Saturday, though I am still annoyed I hate to wait that long to buy it. Good news for Ms. Bray, there was only two books left in the display. So far I love this novel.
That's so odd. The Borders near me, as well as one a bit farther away and a Books-A-Million, all had the book. The Borders near me had a whole display.
What they didn't have was Princess Diaries 9, though when I went today, I found one copy. lol
But you're right, YA books around Christmas time (and occasionally other times too) tend to get overlooked. It sucks. I've had the problem in the past with getting Meg Cabot's books sometimes. I mean, she's a really popular author. Why would a bookstore NOT have her book out right when the store opens on the day of release? Ugh.
At my bookstore, there was a display right near the front of the store. I went relatively soon after Christmas. However, they didn't have any copies in the YA section. If I hadn't have seen the display I would have found the book
That's a bit odd. I think I might have walked right by it because I would have assumed it would be in the YA section too.
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